Saturday, June 27, 2009


Good day everyone.Today we are doing The Reconstructed Reloaded class that is being run by kingross today.He has added a number of new contributors to the Reconctructed blog.These are once again ex drug addicts thaat have never used a computer before in their life.It is encouraging to see how the guys are learning so fast.

These classes take me back to the times when we started our first classes.It is amazing to see how God has carried us though and how we can be a blessing to others.

A special thanks to Craig Ross spear heading up these classes on Saturdays.Well done my brother and thank you for always encouraging us and motivating us.You are a true blessing:-)

As i am wrting this i am sitting next to one of the pastors in our church.He is 65 years old and it amazing to see how much he have g rown in this class and how fast he is learning.He however was not on drugs or an ex drug addict ,but it is such a blesssing to have him in class with us.Thank you to you pastor Poole.(check out his latest blog post:BAPTISM AGAIN)

Well done to all the students of this years class.You guys are doing so good and we are proud of you all

ps.was also good to have Chromie back in class(love you my brother and good to see you) are a Master

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