Monday, November 24, 2008

Protect Your Heart

The soccer ball is the object with the highest value on the soccer field.
The soccer ball is like a pearl of value that must be protected and respected.If you lose the ball you must start over to gain possession of the ball.

In life we also have things that's valuable that must be protected like our purity.You cant not relax we must ge wide alert at all times.You must protect yourself because one mistake can be the death penalty.HIV/AIDS,DRUGS AND GANGSTERISM is out there to get us.

You can make a diffrence if you shield yuour treasure.Guard your future and your dreams.

Respect-yourself because uou are valuable
Protect-your heart more than anything els.the goodness of a person is in there heart.
contritute-to the success of others.
think of others before yourself.


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