Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Trusting God

Earlier today, my daughter phones me to ask me about a certificate for a course she's done. Now because we have moved i didn't quite know where to look as i haven't really unpacked as yet. Lazy me lol. Anyways as i walked to the back, i started speaking to the Lord. I said, Father, where would i find this document as i could not remember as to what i had done with it. I also said Lord, i need you to help me here.So now i looked @ all these unpacked boxes, totally turned off. As i was wondering where to begin, my eyes fell on a box. Upon opening it, i found what i was looking for. Amazing, as i didn't think it would be so easy. While being so amazed, the Holy spirit said the following to God and He will direct your paths..When i asked the Lord to help me, He did just that..directed my path.

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